As you may have gathered by the picture I have chosen the Jaguar as my power animal. There are many reasons for this, including the information I have found through the website provided in our project brief. (Animal Spirits)
Jaguar's Wisdom Includes:
- Seeing the roads within chaos
- Understanding the patterns of chaos
- Moving without fear in the darkness
- Facilitating soul work
- Empowering oneself
- Moving in unknown places
- Shapeshifter
- Psychic sight
This list at first may seem a tad farfetched and cryptic, but in Layman's terms it is quite simple, for instance 'Seeing the roads within chaos' could mean that the Jaguar can find the path with least resistance in situations where a choice is available. E.g Finding the best route to and from points A and B, or realising that something is a bad or good idea where others may not by noticing subtle hints.
I also find my own meaning in the term 'Moving without fear in the darkness'. To me this says that the Jaguar is confident in doing what has to be done in places unknown to him, or new to him. E.g I find it easy to settle into new environments and i rarely am shy of speaking to new people or speaking my mind when appropriate.
The next on the list that i find stands out as suiting my personality, yet possibly the most cryptic is 'shapeshifter' now i realise that this is the most cryptic of the list, but i find that this could mean that i can easily make friends and that i am a very social person, changing my attitude to accommodate other personalities and make friends.
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